Sunday, November 27, 2022

503. Scarlet Lane Brewing Company (McCordsville, IN) - Sunflowers for Your Grave

“Kölsch with a Wheat Malt Base, Sunflower Seeds, Dill and Sea Salt. This Beer is Representing the Resilient Badass Woman Who Offered Sunflowers to the Russian Soldier; Now a Strong Symbol for the Brave Ukranian People.”

Jackson’s choir schedule this season has precluded us from eating at Scarlet Lane on Sunday afternoons as often as we would like, but I’ve kept up with them on the interwebs, and things have changed a bit since the last time. They seem to have parted ways with Chef Erin Kem, who is now to be found in the kitchen at Landlocked Baking Company, right here in Irvington; and they have changed the menus at both this location and the one at 46th and College to pizza from Beech Grove Pizza Company (whose main website links back to Scarlet Lane’s). I have only anedcotal evidence to support the idea that this was not an amicable split between Erin Kem and Eilise Lane, Scarlet Lane’s owner and head brewer. The food isn’t going to be anywhere near as interesting as it was when Chef Erin was at the helm, and though I really hope that doesn’t change the way I feel about this place (which will always sort of be Cannon Ball to me), I kind of get the feeling that it will.

But enough of the gossip shit. On to the beer. This one was on the menu awhile back, and I really liked the sound of it—but we managed to miss it somehow. It also wasn’t on the website when I checked the menu this morning before we left, so I was very pleasantly surprised to see it on the paper menu when we got there. I don’t keep track of the different flavors I have tried in beers, but I don’t recall ever seeing dill listed in the description of a beer before I saw this one; and I would sort of like to have tasted it, but, alas, none of the flavors stand out. I don’t even taste the saltiness that you sometimes taste in a gose that advertises its salt. There might have been a faint hint of dill on the back end, but it’s just as likely that it was there because I wanted it to be as because it actually was. Not bad, though—it’s one of those beers that you keep sipping because you hope that one of those flavors will finally rear up its ugly head.

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