Sunday, November 06, 2022

497. Black Acre Brewing Company (Indianapolis, IN) - Pumpkin Thief

“This pumpkin ale is brewed with 60 lbs of pumpkin per 3 barrel batch and plenty of pumpkin pie spice. Hooray fall!”

I’ve tried this on more than one occasion, but have apparently not remarked upon it; and seems like this is the year for remarking upon it, since I seem to have developed a taste for pumpkin beers just in the last couple of months. I had quite the shitty day at work yesterday—we lost power at 2:30, and it still had not come back on when we finally called it a day and left at 7:30—and thought about stopping at Black Acre on my way home; but I also thought about just going home, crawling under the covers, and going the fuck to sleep. In the end, though, I decided to stop for two beers and an hour of writing. (Had it not been November, however—National Novel Writing Month—I might well have skipped it and just gone home and to sleep.) I’m glad I didn’t, and not just because I got about 1300 words while I was sitting there; I also got a pint of Pumpkin Thief that tasted almost exactly like pumpkin pie in a glass. It had the perfect balance of spice and pumpkin flavors, and a very smooth (but not sweet) finish. They’ve had Pumpkin Thief on the board for a couple of weeks now, and this was not the first time I tried it this season; but this was the best pint of it I’ve had so far this year.

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