Wednesday, November 16, 2022

500. New Belgium Brewing Company (Fort Collins, CO) - Voodoo Ranger Voodoo Vice

“Bursting with neon-bright citrus flavors, Voodoo Vice is vying to be the next Voodoo Ranger rotating IPA.”

This one stuck out to me, and that is not usually the case with the Voodoo Ranger series—which is reminiscent of the Craft Brew Doodle Crew series from Indiana City, only not as good. (Voodoo Ranger is AAA ball, the International League; Craft Brew Doodle Crew is The Show.) I taste a hint of orange up front that reminds me of drinkng orange Kool-Aid when I was a kid (and yes, from time to time as an adult), and that makes this version a little more interesting than some of the others I have tried. (At least at first. When it warms up, that hint of Kool-Aid gives way to a more generalized fruit flavor that could maybe be described as pineapple. This does not inspire nostalgia, but it ain’t bad.)

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