Monday, October 24, 2022

490. Great Lakes Brewing Co. (Cleveland, OH) - Nosferatu® Imperial Red IPA

“Don’t be afraid of things that go hop in the night! Rich roasted malt flavors haunt the shadows of our Imperial Red IPA’a bitter teeth.”

There’s a little bit of caramel-y malt flavor up front, and possibly a bit of spice, too. Then it fades into a dry finish that lingers sort of humorously as it tries to decide whether to be bitter or not. As it warms up, a little bit of ripe papaya starts to dance with the caramel-y malt flavor. This is the third Great Lakes brew I have tried, and when I go back to look at what I thought of the other two, I find that I mentioned papaya both times. I suspect that this cannot be a coincidence. It doesn’t remotely taste or drink like an imperial (which might be because it’s only 8.0% ABV, which is at the low end for an imperial), and I don’t think that’s a bad thing. This is one of the most interesting and complex beers I have tried in a long time—and it was a gift from by buddy Shane. Thanks, man.

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