Sunday, October 02, 2022

478. Indiana City Brewing Co. (Indianapolis, IN) Kickoff Peach Blueberry

“Hazy Pale Ale featuring whirlpool and double dry hop additions of Citra and Azacca hops and fruited with real peach and blueberry.”

Which appears to differ from the original Kickoff mostly because of the peach and blueberry. There is a small hint of ripe fruit flavor up front, of both peach and blueberry when it’s cold and drifting toward more prevalent peach as it warms—but you’re not going to remember either of them because of the gut punch of bitter, not just on the back end, but about halfway down the throat. I won’t go quite so far as saying it’s bad, but it’s too bitter for me—and that, I believe, is saying something. It takes away from what is otherwise an interesting beer—richer, fruitier, and more full-bodied than the original Kickoff. (It should perhaps be noted that these are my first impressions from a cold beer out of the can. Could be a whole different ball game when I pour one into the mug.)

Upon further review, it is not a whole different ball game. It’s even worse when I pour it into a mug, and this is because I can see it. The first one I poured into the mug was almost all blueberry purée—and it was thick. I had to pour it out. The next one wasn’t quite as bad, but still had a good bit of sludge at the bottom of the can. I don’t know if the picture is going to do it justice or not, but when it’s poured into a mug, it looks like bad chocolate milk. I’m hoping this is just a bad batch (and bad luck for me, at $15.99 for four tallboys), but if it’s not, and this is the way it’s supposed to be—then this is the worst beer I have ever had the misfortune to drink.

Note: I actually sent them an email to let them know that a bad batch might be out there. Should they reply with anything that might have bearing on what I have said here, I shall update my remarks.

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