Sunday, July 09, 2023

560. Big Lug Brewing Co. (Indianapolis, IN) - Baewatch

“Good running on beach, good in a bathing suit, good from your dinner table. Classic Hefeweizen with a heaping amount of passionfruit to livin’ [sic] up your mood and get you in a beachier state of mind.”

Um. So the writing is obviously fucking terrible, and if this is what passionfruit tastes like, then I don’t ever need to taste it again. There’s a sort of sour flavor going on that obscures whatever there might be in the way of Hefeweizen flavors, though that sort of moderates a little bit as it warms. I’m going to go ahead and follow my initial inclination to dislike it—partly because it doesn’t taste at all like a Hefeweizen, but mostly because that is maybe the worst fucking name for a beer ever.

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