Monday, February 27, 2023

Indianapolis Beer News #1

I don’t know if this is going to be a regular thing or not, so I’m numbering them just in case. I am not a journalist, so what I post here might not pass muster for the Rory Gilmores of the world; but neither will it be hearsay. It will come from someone directly employed in the industry, and if I suspect that the narrator is unreliable, I will say so. And with that, having caveated myself (and yes, I am aware that I used the word caveat as a verb there), off we go.

I had to take Jackson to choir practice yesterday because my wife has Covid again, and while he was choiring (there's another new verb), I stopped in at the Scarlet Lane on Bellefontaine to write for a little bit. They had Black Acre’s Natural Liberty on the menu, so I asked if that was a keg from Black Acre, or if Eilise had brewed it. Turns out it was from Black Acre, and they have a couple more kegs to go; but then it switches to the Scarlet Lane version of Natural Liberty. They won’t have Saucy Intruder until they open in Irvington—which I am told will be in March.

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