Saturday, September 14, 2024

603. Kismetic Beer Company (Indianapolis, IN) - Cold IPA

“Our take on a new style out of Oregon. Described by the originator as more West Coast than West Coast, this IPA is brewed with America pilsner, Vienna, and flaked rice. Hopped with Azacca, Apollo, and Amarillo. It is fermented with lager yeast at ale temps. It is dry hopped at the tail end of fermentation to achieve some fruit forward bio tranformation [sic]. Crisp and dry, with aromas of pine and citrus, bitter and crisp on the palate.”

Piney aroma and taste up front. Dry finish. Any fruit in there does not assert itself in the first couple of sips, but turns into a slight citrus shine as the beer warms. There’s a fresh, herbal taste that eventually comes up and makes me think of fresh fruit that isn’t quite ripe yet. Also excellent, but I’m too inured to IPAs. I will try this one again and may update the post.

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