Wednesday, September 07, 2022

473. Sun King (Indianapolis, IN) - Turtle Thunder

“Turtle Thunder is an IPA brewed with a blend of Southern Hemisphere Hops for notes of tropical fruit, citrus, and stone fruit.”

I taste a whole mash-up of things, and none of them really stand out, except for a bit of citrus at the end; but even that is non-specific. I get that local breweries make hella more money when you come in and tip a couple in the taproom, but there has to be a happy medium—especially a place with as wide a reach as Sun King. I know I harp on this whenever I post something from Sun King, but they have the resources. Black Circle does not. Kismetic Beer Company does not. Indiana City does not. Even Black Acre does not, though they have been around nearly as long as Sun King and produce at least as wide a range of beer as Sun King (if not the volume—as far as square footage for brewing in Indianapolis goes, Sun King is so far out in front that it doesn’t even matter who comes in second). You could maybe argue that Daredevil and Quaff ON! have the square footage and resources, but they are also much more focused in terms of what they produce. Pound for pound, based solely on what they package, Taxman beats every brewery I’ve mentioned here to hell and gone—and even they don’t package nearly all of what they produce. With Sun King, you get variations on IPAs and cream ale (neither of which are ever very interesting); they can do better than that, and they should—espcially for those of us in Marion County.

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