Wednesday, March 30, 2022

447. Indiana City Brewing Co. (Indianapolis, IN) - Dock Seven

“Dock Seven is an aggressively dry-hopped West-[c]oast style IPA, bursting with fresh floral hop aroma and bold bitterness. A Hop-head’s dream come true.”

Stoney’s didn’t stock a whole lot of Indiana City stuff while the world was shitting the bed, and I never made the effort to get to the brewery, so this is only the second Indiana City beer I’ve had in over two years. The copy above is from the can, and the website adds the descriptors “citrusy” and “resinous.” The floral and citrus notes are in there somewhere, I’m pretty sure of that; but it’s that resiny pine flavor that takes center stage. Buckled to a nicely bitter (but approachable) finish that lingers quite pleasantly, it’s a classic West Coast IPA. I don’t like it as much as Daredevil’s Lift Off, but it’s very good. Both are light years better than Sun King’s Osiris. (And you can tell how green at all of this I was when I posted about Lift Off, because I basically equated it to Osiris, and implied that Osiris was an impressive example of the style. Neither opinion stands the test of time.)

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