Friday, April 23, 2021

378. Sonoran Brew Co. (Phoenix, AZ) - Wht Chclt Ale

“A light, refreshing and completely unique wheat beer. This brew has a delicate aroma and a subtle taste of white chocolate.”

Fifth of five from Shane, and for some reason, they distinguish between the main PHX Brew Co. and the Sonoran Brew Co. on the website. This is the only beer in the Sonoran section, and I haven’t the foggiest what distinguishes one company from the other. The description above comes from the website, but the description on the can reads (in part), “Are you #@%&!, this tastes just like white chocolate, but its [sic] not. Or is it?” That one is probably closer to accurate; there is nothing subtle about the white chocolate flavor here. (And that ain’t remotely a bad thing—in case you were wondering where I stood on it.) It’s a white chocolate bomb, and it’s bizarre and interesting—and also my first Arizona beer, which brings me to 25 states since I started this safari.

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