Friday, April 08, 2011


I know what you’re thinking—that this most recent bumper sticker post was clearly ultra-conservative and right-wing, and also that I said I would not be posting that kind of inbred nonsense. Well…both of those things are true. The bumper sticker is ultra-conservative and right-wing, and I did say that I would not be posting that kind of garbage. Oh well. Sorry. I suppose I should originally have written that I would post both uplifting, progressive bumper stickers and the kind of right-wing verbal diarrhea that only the gun-toting hilljacks who live out where the buses don’t run could seriously support. Unfortunately, this is Indiana, so there are going to be way more of the right-wing ones than the uplifting progressive ones. I guess at the end of the year there may be two polls, one for best bumper sticker and one for most ignorant bumper sticker. You can’t even stand it, can you?

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