Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Another Free Sticker from MoveOn

Nothing major, just a little sticker showing wind turbines, in anticipation of the days when renewables are as ubiquitous as coal and oil are now. Now that the White House is occupied by a competent person, the timeline on the ubiquity of renewables might be a little shorter. Also, fuck T. Boone Pickens. Self-serving, lying, hypocritical asshole. (Weird that he's a Republican, isn't it?)

Click the image to get your sticker today!


Prime Mover said...

Just curious, how many trees would have to be knocked down in order to erect all the wind turbines needed to fuel our energy needs? And don't you think that wind turbines and solar power would be pretty worthless to us hicks in the midwest considering that fact that we are in tornado alley and sun comes at a premium during winter time? Even if we managed to erect one big solar power panel and wind turbine it would come no where near the energy levels we would need to run this country.

Oh and T. Bone Pickens got out because he realized that in order to make money in the green scam he would have to go the carbon credit/cap-and-trade route like our boy Al Gore. Worth 2 million out of the white house worth hundreds of millions today. At least the dirty cretin of a Republican tried, more than I can say for the "save the world" libs who do nothing except use private jets and shit-tons of energy.

Unknown said...

Holy Crap, I think I saw this sticker on Teddy's bumper down in "Hyannis Port"