Sunday, December 24, 2006

Merry Christmas To The Charles A. Beard School Board, You Wankers

On the MSNBC front page, the story about the guys who made the killer teddy bear movie - who will be allowed to return to school for the second semester AND make up any work they missed since they were expelled in October.

They were urged to apologize to Mr. Clevenger - and I suppose that’s fair. If Mr. Clevenger was offended by the fact that a character in the movie was named after him, then an apology probably is not out of order.

The judge in the case also urged them to apologize to the school administration, and that is just crap. The school administration owes the guys an apology, and so does the school board. If the administration and board apologize, then maybe the guys could accept their apology and then apologize themselves. Maybe.

Of course the school board didn’t have the good sense in the first place to realize how much of a molehill was this thing out of which they made a mountain - so they are not likely to apply reason to the situation now that a judge has ruled that they were in error.

Now that the whole thing is over, I wonder if there might be some way of arranging screenings of the movie...I wonder where there might be a place where they could rent a theatre so that they could show their DVD to paying customers...


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