Monday, July 14, 2008

I've Got Five Terrorists Going Southeast On Bakalakadaka Street!

I think it's sad that this New Yorker cover is being hyped in today's news as offensive and tasteless. Before rushing to that particular (incorrect) judgment, how about a modest proposal that people go back through past New Yorker covers and try to come up with some reason why this particular one is so much more offensive than, say, the one with Bush and Cheney that spoofs the movie poster of Brokeback Mountain - or the one from shortly after 9/11 that had a turban-clad cab driver peering in fear out of his cab window while American flags fly all over Darwindom in the background.

Or is everyone still too busy remembering Tony Snow?


Shane M. White said...

Is that Macy Gray with B. Hussein Obama???

I think she's an Obama supporter, but I didn't know she owned an assault rifle!!! I guess that's what you do when your music career dies...

Unknown said...

or sing in the spiderman movie!

Godfather Weilhammer said...

I laughed my ass off. I don't care what anyone says. Poking fun at people is funny, especially when it offends someone. That's like a layer of heroin icing. The continued pussification of this country is atrocious. I don't care if the New Yorker meant it as a statement of people's impressions of Obama or as a complete insult to him. Most people who read the New Yorker do not have an anus anyway, just a smug sense of themselves. I may go out and buy a copy just so I can look at that photo, take what I want out of it, and giggle like a schoolgirl.

Unknown said...

The news here in Beantown ran with it last night, calling it downright awful. They went to one of the most liberal towns around and starting asking opinions. Yet as you stated John, no mention of other covers that were similar but spoofing other individuals. John you live on one of the yahoo spectrum in Indiana and I live on the other out here.

Justin said...

Hans Bwiks !!aww noooo!!!

Prime Mover said...

What? I actually thought the cartoon was pretty accurate.