Sunday, May 17, 2009

Stupid People Holding Signs

I saw lots of signs today - some while we were downtown, and others on the news tonight. One said, "Repeal Stimulus Or Retire." Another, shown on the news, said, "Obama = Abortion." I kind of feel bad for people who are so stupid that they believe those kinds of things - but mostly I just shake my head in wonder. I might feel worse for them, but the reason they are stupid is that the education system failed them - and the reason the education system failed them is because Republicans prefer not to fund education. They make it sound all patriotic - Republicans believe in smaller government and lower taxes and yadda yadda yadda - but you know what they're really doing, don't you? They're growing their base. By depressing education, Republicans ensure a steady stream of future voters - and wearers of signs.


troy myers said...

this is one of those things that you and i disagree upon my friend...the education system didn't fail anybody, they failed themselves. as an ips grad with a chip on my shoulder, i can truthfully report that the library at northwest high school has socrates(the theory of the cave) and dictionaries just like every other school library in the world, whether the student population decides to partake in the knowledge contained within these tomes...well that's on them.

darwinism holmes...get fit or die trying.

John Peddie said...

That point is not without some validity, but in a country where so many people actually believe that "intelligent design" should be taught in science classrooms, I'm still more inclined to believe the problem is largely systemic.

Of course, religion comes in for a big share of the blame, too. We claim to separate church and state in this country, but we're mostly just paying lip service to the idea. That's also a systemic problem.

While a few Howard Roarks such as yourself will break through, there are still going to be way too many Peter Keating-like sheep until we get better curriculum and student-to-teacher ratios that are much closer to manageable.

mmaier2112 said...

Now John, you know very well simplicity works on protest signs.

"Bush Lied, People Died"
"No nukes!"
"Save my job!"

But to an extent, I agree with you. It shouldn't be "Obama = Abortion".

It should be "Obama = DUH!"

The man castigates Republicans for increasing the deficit. Then doubles it. And proposes new spending programs for the future while promising to REDUCE future deficits.

If that ever happens, John... I will buy you a Coke.

Then then man admits we're broke, then proposes more government interference in the medical industry where:

1) government rules are already strangling the industry and
2) those same government rules have done nothing but increase costs and decrease quality of care.

So someone please explain to me how Congress and Obama "doing something to help" is really going to do anything other than continue to increase costs and make availability much worse?

Because I'm drawing a freaking blank on any problem where more government interference has ever worked.